Most couples achieve pregnancy in the first 3-6 months of attempted conception. It is important to know that the monthly fecundity rate in fertile couples is 15-20% with an overall chance of pregnancy approximately 85% per year. But some couples might take longer to conceive than expected.
At Arriva IVF, we help you in achieving your dream of parenthood by individualising the management approach based on your fertility history and investigations. We are here to counsel and advise you on the best possible treatment strategy specially tailored to your fertility needs. We therefore consider many factors while deciding your treatment options.
How can we help ?
At the initial visit, you will have a detailed session with our fertility specialist who will review your medical and surgical history including any previous test results and treatment cycles. A pelvic ultrasound may be performed to look for any abnormalities in reproductive organs. An antral follicle count may be performed during the scan to assess the ovarian reserve. Your partner may also be required to undergo some basic evaluation to assess the reproductive potential.
During the consultation, the doctor may make relevant recommendations regarding the requirement of any further tests or evaluation based on your clinical profile. Once there is a clear understanding about your reproductive health, we will be able to guide you about further treatment options.
Who should test their fertility ?
fertility evaluation can be performed to help you better understand your reproductive potential.You may be actively trying to conceive but are taking longer or you may be planning to conceive in near future but are not sure about your fertility, we are here to guide you at every step right from the planning stage. You may also undergo testing if you are single and have concerns about your fertility health. We may also be able to help you in decision making if you are planning to delay your childbearing due to career reasons but are not sure about how long you can wait.
Fertility evaluation
A variety of tests will be performed along with a full explanation of their bearing on your fertility health. The assessment will help to identify any potential problem and help you to decide whether to try for conception straightway or you may postpone for time being. The treatment options will be discussed further based on the results of fertility tests.
The Start of your Fertility Journey
It is essential to get the right tests done when you are starting your fertility journey. This will help us to plan the best treatment strategy for you so as to gear up your chances of success.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI is calculated by taking measurements of your height and weight. This will help us to establish if you are healthy or possibly underweight or overweight. Many studies have revealed that BMI has a bearing on fertility potential. Your fertility could be reduced if you are not of appropriate weight. We therefore will suggest to you about the changes in lifestyle required so as to maximise your chances of success.
Blood tests
The blood tests are carried out to assess the general health as well as the fertility health. The hormonal profile is carried out which will help us to assess your reproductive potential.
Pelvic Ultrasound
The reproductive organs are assessed during a transvaginal scan. This internal scan is a simple and painless procedure which will quickly provide relevant information about any potential causes likely to reduce your ability to conceive. While performing the scan, Antral follicles will be assessed and measured in each ovary including presence of any abnormal cysts. The womb is also assessed for presence of any masses or any defects. You may need to undergo a detailed three-dimensional ultrasound scan if required.
Infection screen
We will recommend you to undergo infectious screening to identify any underlying infectious cause which might affect your fertility. Tuberculosis, highly prevalent in India, has been implicated in causing damage to fallopian tubes and the womb. Rubella is also an infectious disease that often goes unnoticed. Although it does not affect your ability to conceive, it can cause serious complications in pregnant women. A blood test therefore can be performed to check if you are immune to rubella or not as vaccination is highly recommended if found non immune before your fertility treatment.
HyCoSy (Tubal patency test)
This is a simple minimally invasive procedure done under ultrasound guidance that provides valuable information about your fallopian tubes and uterine cavity. A special dye is injected through the cervix into the womb and this dye can be seen flowing out through the tubes if your tubes are open and working properly.
Once you have been reviewed about your lifestyle, medical and surgical history, further tests are performed to assess your fertility.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
BMI is calculated by taking measurements of your height and weight. This will help us to establish if you are healthy or possibly underweight or overweight. Many studies have revealed that BMI has a bearing on fertility potential. Your fertility could be reduced if you are not of appropriate weight. We therefore will suggest to you about the changes in lifestyle required so as to maximise your chances of success.
Semen Analysis
It is estimated that male infertility affects 2.5-12% of male population. In approximately 30% of the infertile couples, male factor is responsible. It is therefore recommended to perform a semen assessment to check whether sperms are produced and functioning well.
We may help you in organising this test as per your convenience. An abstinence period of 3-5 days is required before the scheduled day in order to have the most accurate results. You will be asked to provide a semen sample. This is a simple test which will assess the semen viscosity, volume, sperm count, motility (movement) and morphology (structure) of the sperm. If the values of this test are abnormal, it may not mean you are permanently infertile. It may just indicate further evaluation on the basis of which we will advise you the best treatment strategy to maximise your chances of success.
Semen culture
Infections and inflammation of male reproductive organs are major factors leading to infertility. This test is used to identify any such infectious organism in seminal plasma which warrants antibiotic treatment.
2% of women in reproductive age suffer from invasive cancer. The treatment modalities like chemotherapy and radiotherapy can lead to infertility if used at high doses. You may wish to preserve your fertility before undergoing any such medical or surgical treatment. We understand these urgent situations and provide rapid access to the latest fertility preserving techniques.
You will be offered safe and effective fertility preservation options in consultation with your medical or surgical team. We can collect your eggs, sperm or create embryos which can be safely frozen and can be used in future to have your own biological child. You can visit us to understand better about your fertility preservation options and choose the right one that is most appropriate for you.
Women are delaying childbearing these days which means many more women will end up having diminished ovarian reserve during initial evaluation for infertility. As age advances, both quality and quantity of the eggs decline and so the chances of getting pregnant. We can provide advanced reproductive technologies to optimise the chances of success. You may consult our fertility expert for better understanding of the options available as we understand the importance of time sensitivity in such cases.